
Anti-Ragging Policy

Anti-Ragging Policy


Agarsen is committed to maintaining a learning and working environment free from ragging. Ragging is strictly prohibited inside and outside the premises of our institution. This policy outlines the measures to prevent and address incidents of ragging in accordance with the directives of the Supreme Court of India and the regulations of the University Grants Commission (UGC).


The objective of this Anti-Ragging Policy is to ensure a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for all students, faculty, and staff by preventing acts of ragging, harassment, and bullying.

Definition of Ragging

Ragging constitutes any act of physical or psychological abuse (including but not limited to teasing, abusing, playing practical jokes) on any student, whether new or existing, that causes or is likely to cause distress, fear, shame, or embarrassment.

Policy Statement

  1. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited within the institution, its premises, and in any part of the Agarsen community including in hostels, transportation provided by the institution, and at any events organized by the institution.
  2. This policy applies to all students, faculty members, staff, and any individuals associated with Agarsen.
  3. Any student found guilty of ragging and/or abetting ragging is liable to face disciplinary action which may include suspension, expulsion, or any punishment deemed fit by the Anti-Ragging Committee.

Preventive Measures

  1. Conducting orientation sessions for new students to sensitize them about the anti-ragging measures and the consequences of ragging.
  2. Displaying anti-ragging posters and distributing booklets outlining the anti-ragging policy throughout the campus.
  3. Forming Anti-Ragging Squads comprising faculty and senior students to monitor and ensure the campus is free from ragging activities.
  4. Mandatory submission of signed affidavits by students and their parents/guardians, declaring their understanding and compliance with the anti-ragging policy.

Reporting Mechanism

  1. Establishment of a toll-free helpline number and an online complaint portal to report incidents of ragging anonymously.
  2. Complaints can also be lodged directly with any member of the Anti-Ragging Committee or with the Dean of Student Affairs.
  3. Immediate action will be taken to investigate and address all reported incidents of ragging.

Disciplinary Actions

  1. Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.
  2. Withholding scholarships or other benefits.
  3. Debarring from appearing in any test/examination or other evaluation processes.
  4. Expulsion from the hostel and/or the institution.
  5. Entry of the incident in the student’s academic record.
  6. Legal action according to the penal laws of India, if necessary.

Rehabilitation and Support

  1. Providing counselling services to victims of ragging to overcome trauma and stress.
  2. Offering support services to help reintegrate victims and accused students (found not guilty) into the academic community.


  1. The Anti-Ragging Committee is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the anti-ragging policy.
  2. Faculty members and staff are required to report any observed acts of ragging and support the implementation of the policy.
  3. Students are expected to comply with the policy and contribute to maintaining a ragging-free environment.


Agarsen is dedicated to fostering a respectful and secure atmosphere for all its members. Through the strict enforcement of this Anti-Ragging Policy, we aim to eliminate ragging in all its forms and ensure a harmonious educational environment.
